Pågående20 935


Användare Inlägg  
lewarcher2011-04-17 02:58
Antal inlägg: 2035

If JN were a porn star he'd be Jack Dickolson.
Megaherz2011-04-17 03:07
Antal inlägg: 3304

If Jack Nicholson walked as far as he could, he'd be Jack Horizon
Tommy 19792011-04-19 15:03
Antal inlägg: 1175

If JN were a very mean woman, he would be Jack Witcholson.

If Diane Keaton worked as a farmer, she would be Diane Wheaton.
Megaherz2011-04-19 16:23
Antal inlägg: 3304

If Diane Keaton were in her late Fj0rtizz, she'd be Diane Sexton
Majita2011-04-19 20:45
Antal inlägg: 477

If Diane Keaton were an oven, she'd be Diane Heaton.
moi_magnus2011-04-19 22:03
Antal inlägg: 8710

If Diane Keaton were a butcher, she's be Diane Meaton
shakespear2011-04-20 01:24
Antal inlägg: 764

If Diane Keaton were a pair of shoes, she's be Diane Feeton


If Boy George were a blacksmith, he would be Boy Forge
lewarcher2011-04-20 04:59
Antal inlägg: 2035

Boy George som smed måste väl ändå vinna priset som trådens mest absurda association. :=)

If BG were shyish he'd be Coy George
shakespear2011-04-20 12:09
Antal inlägg: 764

Jippie, vad vann jag? ;)

If BG were a playable item he would be Toy George
Resurrection - Ej medlem längre2011-04-20 12:54
Antal inlägg: 11463

Om Boy George ägde en mack tillsammans med sin brorsa Roger skulle han heta Roy George.
lewarcher2011-04-20 17:50
Antal inlägg: 2035

If Boy George were novelty act he'd be Ploy George

If Graham Greene were a not-so-funny sit-com star he'd be Graham Sheen
skalmac2011-04-20 21:51
Antal inlägg: 525

If Graham Greene were a lot younger, he'd be Graham Teen
EbbaGreen2011-04-20 22:55
Antal inlägg: 1986

Gött att ni kör med konjunktiv. Det gillas.
witchgame2011-04-21 07:30
Antal inlägg: 1826

If Graham Greene was a swedish farmanimal he'd be Graham svin.

lewarcher2011-04-21 14:15
Antal inlägg: 2035

If GG had continued his studies at Oxford he could've been Graham Dean.
Tommy 19792011-04-21 17:32
Antal inlägg: 1175

If Graham Greene didn´t treat people well, he would be Graham Mean.

If Bille Holiday was a saint and a lesbian, she wuld be Bille Holy-and-Gay.
Tommy 19792011-04-21 17:35
Antal inlägg: 1175

Fan vad illa jag skriver... Billie (med ie) Holiday ska det givetvis vara, samt would och inte wuld, samt were och inte was..... :-)
vinter2011-04-21 19:03
Antal inlägg: 332

Om Billie Holiday var ett affiliatenätverk skulle hon vara Billie Come & Stay.
Megaherz2011-04-21 19:13
Antal inlägg: 3304

If Billie Holiday were a home for used up cigarettes, she'd be Billie Ashtray
eva-leva2011-04-23 10:24
Antal inlägg: 15408

If Billie Holiday were in need she would be Billie Mayday
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