Pågående20 935


Användare Inlägg  
club_R - Ej medlem längre2011-05-17 11:38
Antal inlägg: 3087

If Marlon Brando were a half time worker, he would be Marlon Ibland-o
Tommy 19792011-05-17 12:18
Antal inlägg: 1175

If Marlon Brando drank strong liquor, he would be Marlon Brandy.
skalmac2011-05-19 22:13
Antal inlägg: 525

If Marlon Brando were masturbating, he would be Marlon Hand-oh! (sorry för den!)


If Paul Walker followed you around, he would be Paul Stalker
Ceckes12011-05-20 22:11
Antal inlägg: 748

If Paul Walker was a clown, he would be Paul Joker
Ceckes12011-05-20 22:12
Antal inlägg: 748

Fast det rimmade kanske inte nej..å usel engelska :(
EbbaGreen2011-05-20 22:15
Antal inlägg: 1986

If Paul Walker liked to chew the fat, be would be called Paul Talker.
skalmac2011-05-20 22:15
Antal inlägg: 525

If Paul Walker had a radio show, he would be Paul Talker
skalmac2011-05-22 23:21
Antal inlägg: 525

Det blev visst en dubbelpost...
skalmac2011-05-22 23:22
Antal inlägg: 525

If Paul Walker were a shopoholic, he would be Mall Walker
club_R - Ej medlem längre2011-05-22 23:59
Antal inlägg: 3087

If Paul Walker were a farmer, he would be Paul Åker.


If Olof Palme were a pilot in the Vietnam-War, he would have been Olof Napalme (Jag vet ... den är ytterst tveksam.)
skalmac2011-05-25 22:07
Antal inlägg: 525

Den var helt ok!

If Olof Palme were a tree, he´d be Olof Alme
skalmac2011-05-25 23:09
Antal inlägg: 525

If Olof Palme were a christian, he´d be Olof Psalme
skalmac2011-05-30 19:51
Antal inlägg: 525

Detta är ju bästa tråden ju! Kom igen!

If Olof Palme were a farmer, he´d be Olof Halme
witchgame2011-06-11 18:42
Antal inlägg: 1826

If O P hadn't been such an agitator he'd be Olof calmer

If Povel Ramel haden't been a good pianoplayer he'd be Povel skrammel
MatsJoel2011-06-12 14:56
Antal inlägg: 686

If Povel Ramel were a smoker he'd be Povel Camel.
mishizaki2011-06-12 14:58
Antal inlägg: 2533

If Olof Palme wore glasses, he`d be Olof Skalme
TopBanana2011-07-02 09:25
Antal inlägg: 752

If Povel Ramel was drunk, he would be Povel Svammel
vilhelmiina - Ej medlem längre2012-02-05 16:56
Antal inlägg: 170

If Sheldon Cooper were a movie character, he would be a stormtrooper.
moi_magnus2012-02-05 17:01
Antal inlägg: 8710

If Povel Ramel was a mushroom, he would be Povel Lamell
eva-leva2012-02-08 00:37
Antal inlägg: 15408

If Tom Jones were dead he would be Tom Bones
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