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bobo flux2011-04-05 23:13
Antal inlägg: 11371

(läste nu att numsan gjorde samma sak med Tyra Banks.)
Bruise2011-04-05 23:22
Antal inlägg: 76

If Hillary Swank was a Dominatrix, she´d be Hillary Spank.


If Michael Jackson was a karate-kid, he would have been be Michael wax-on.
Tinna2011-04-05 23:43
Antal inlägg: 20250

Michael Jackson har vi haft..

If Tony Blair was agoraphobic, he would be Tony Square.
Tommy 19792011-04-05 23:53
Antal inlägg: 1175

If Tony Blair didn´t mistreat anyone, he would be Tony Fair.
bobo flux2011-04-06 00:08
Antal inlägg: 11371

If Tony Blair would be a nihilist, he'd be Tony I-dont-care.
Tinna2011-04-06 00:11
Antal inlägg: 20250

If Tony Blair was more like Bill Clinton, he would be Tony Affair.
WolvesFan662011-04-06 01:17
Antal inlägg: 79

If Tony Blair was an indian, he would be Tony Mohair
WolvesFan662011-04-06 01:33
Antal inlägg: 79

Eller kanske en på svenska
Om Tony Blair var en katastrof, hade han varit Tony Misär
witchgame2011-04-06 04:48
Antal inlägg: 1826

If Tony Blair were a halloweencostume he'd be Tony scare

NY; If George Clooney was a familydinner he.d be George macaroney
skalmac2011-04-06 12:28
Antal inlägg: 525

If George Clooney were a lunatic he´d be George Moony
Tinna2011-04-06 15:00
Antal inlägg: 20250

If George Clooney was weak, he would be George Puny.
Megaherz2011-04-06 18:39
Antal inlägg: 3304

If George Clooney were mentally challenged, he'd be George Looney
moi_magnus2011-04-06 19:36
Antal inlägg: 8710

If George Clooney was good at making handbags, he would be George Dooney (& Bourke)


If Harrison Ford was a musician, he would be Harrison Chord
Tommy 19792011-04-06 19:41
Antal inlägg: 1175

If Harrison Ford was a British peer (=adelsman), he would be Harrison Lord
moi_magnus2011-04-06 19:43
Antal inlägg: 8710

If Harrison Ford was a poor man, he would be Harrison Can't Afford
Tommy 19792011-04-06 19:53
Antal inlägg: 1175

If Harrison Ford didn't feel like doing anything, he would be Harrison I-am-so-bored
moi_magnus2011-04-06 20:42
Antal inlägg: 8710

If Harrison Ford was a Air-hostess, he would be Harrison Board


If Marilyn Monroe was an animal, she would be Marilyn Doe
Majita2011-04-06 21:04
Antal inlägg: 477

If Marilyn Monroe were a web site, she would be Marilyn Yahoo.
Tommy 19792011-04-06 21:19
Antal inlägg: 1175

If Marilyn Monroe saved another person' s life, she would be Marilyn Hero.
moi_magnus2011-04-06 22:33
Antal inlägg: 8710

If Marilyn Monroe was an arm, she would be Marilyn Elbow
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